Product Description
Precise pasteurization monitoring
For producers of pasteurized beverages, pasteurization monitoring is essential. Insufficient pasteurization results in microbiologically objectable product charges; if pasteurization is carried too far, taste is affected. Therefore, an accurate measuring of pasteurizing units on a regular base canโt be neglected.
The Steinfurth Past Control system simplifies this task. The safe and simple operation requires only a short instruction to the operation personnel. The PU value can be read from the PU monitorโs display directly at the pasteurizer line.
The complete evaluation of the measured data is done at the PC. Clearly structured software offers graphical display as well as clearly arranged data storage. All measuring data files include a time stamp and a line ID code, so that all measurement data can be traced back. An unlimited number of loggers can be used.
Functional overview
The Steinfurth Past Control system for cans and bottles consists of a temperature logger, the PU monitor with interface (includes software for PC) and all necessary adapters. The logger is fitted to the original container and moved through the tunnel pasteurize. Meanwhile, the temperature at the selected (coldest) spot inside the container is measured and recorded. Optionally, the spray temperature is recorded, too (Dual channel version).
When the logger has left the tunnel pasteurizer, it is fitted to the PU monitor, and the number of pasteurizing units (PU) can be read from the PU monitorโs display. Afterwards, the logger can be started again and is ready for the next recording. The previous recordings remain in the loggerโs memory and can be evaluated later.