Introduction – Why is CO2 quality so important
Soft drinks are an integral part of our daily lives, enjoyed by millions of people worldwide. One of the key ingredients in soft drinks is carbon dioxide (CO2), which is responsible for the characteristic fizziness that we all love. However, the quality of CO2 used in soft drinks is often overlooked. It is crucial to monitor the quality of CO2 to ensure that it is safe for consumption and meets industry standards.

Potential Contamination
CO2 is sourced from various processes, and it is critical to ensure that the gas is free from any contaminants that may affect its quality. Contamination can occur at source, during transportation or storage, and it is essential to monitor the quality of the CO2 to ensure that it is free from impurities. Contaminated CO2 can affect the taste and quality of soft drinks, leading to consumer complaints, product recalls, harm to consumers and that is a potential loss of revenue for soft drink manufacturers.Importance of a Certificate of Analysis
It is also critical to obtain a certificate of analysis (COA) to ensure that the CO2 used in soft drinks meets the International Society for Beverage Technology (ISBT) guidelines for food grade CO2. The COA provides information on the quality of CO2 and confirms that it meets food industry standards. This is important because the quality of CO2 can vary depending on the source and the processing methods used. Typically a gas producer will clean the gas and then analyze this from the storage vessel as it is loaded into the tanker. To make this analysis very sophisticated gas analysers like the Carboscan 300 from Unisensor Gmbh are used. These analysers test for various contamination down to parts per billion level and check for hydrocarbons and aromatics that may be present in the gas.Health and Safety Concerns
In addition to affecting the taste and quality of soft drinks, poor quality CO2 can also pose health and safety risks. Contaminants in CO2, such as benzine and sulfur compounds, can cause adverse health effects if consumed in high concentrations. The use of contaminated CO2 can also result in product recalls, legal issues, and damage to a company’s reputation.The Importance of CO2 Polishing Filters
To ensure that the CO2 used in soft drinks is of high quality, it is essential to use CO2 polishing filters from reputable manufacturers such as Sure Purity Ltd. These filters are inserted into the line after CO2 storage vessel, this ensures the CO2 entering the production facility is free from impurities, such as water, hydrocarbons, aromatics, and other potential source contaminants. CO2 polishing filters from Sure Purity Ltd last 12 months and give the bottler peace of mind that the CO2 used in their soft drinks is of the highest possible quality.Ensuring Consistency
Consistency is crucial in the soft drink industry, and the use of high-quality food grade CO2 is essential to ensure that the taste and quality of soft drinks remain the same across the world. CO2 polishing filters from companies like Sure Purity Ltd help to remove any impurities that may affect the taste and quality of soft drinks, leading to a more consistent product.Reducing Costs
Injecting only high-quality food grade CO2 can also help to reduce costs for soft drink manufacturers. Poor quality CO2 can lead to product taint and off-notes when tasting, which in turn can lead to recalls, legal issues, and damage to a company’s reputation, all of which can be costly. Monitoring CO2 quality and using polishing filters can help to prevent these issues, leading to cost savings for soft drink manufacturers.Meeting Industry Standards
Meeting industry standards is critical for soft drink manufacturers. The use of high-quality CO2 following International Society for Beverage Technology (ISBT) guidelines for food grade CO2 is essential to meet these standards, and CO2 COA provided by the gas supplier and the use of polishing filters help to ensure that the CO2 used in soft drinks meets and exceeds these standards. This helps to ensure that soft drink manufacturers are compliant with industry regulations and can operate their business with confidence.

Protecting the Environment
One of the key benefits of using the Sure Purity system of CO2 polishing is the 12-month cartridge replacement. This system used 50% less cartridges than competitive systems on the market. The longer service interval of Sure Purity Carboguard CO2 purity filters saves on manpower and energy and also means less filter waste generated, contributing to sustainability goals.
Final comments on why monitoring and filtering CO2 is so important
In conclusion, the quality of CO2 used in soft drinks should not be overlooked. Ensuring that the CO2 is free from contaminants and meets industry standards is crucial to producing a consistent and high-quality product. The health and safety of consumers, as well as the reputation and profitability of soft drink manufacturers, depend on the quality of the CO2 used.
Overall, monitoring the quality of CO2 used in soft drinks is critical to the success of soft drink manufacturers. By prioritizing the use of high-quality CO2 which is tested and approved for use with a COA provided by analysis from a unit like the Carboscan 300 and CO2 polishing filters from a manufacturer like Sure Purity Ltd, soft drink manufacturers can produce a consistent and high-quality product while protecting the health and safety of consumers, reducing costs, and protecting the environment.