For the food industry, JWII provides a wide range of analytical instruments, including online moisture analysers, NIR spectrometers for real-time parameter measurement, our range of analysers for liquid analysis as well as a range of inspection systems suitable for this industry. JWII also offer sensory flavour standards and training tailored to the food industry. These technologies help in maintaining the highest standards of food quality and safety.

A wide range of Oxygen Analyser Technologies to meet the growing needs of Industry.

Comprehensive range of flavour standards, sensory training, and sensory instruments from FlavorActiv a global leader in sensory solutions

Inline and portable spectrophotometers using diode array technology with a wide range of applications for grain and oilseed producers. Pre calibrated and designed to measure ash, moisture, protein, oil and other key parameters simultaneously at high speed and in real time.

Brix and % concentration for all parts of the sugar processing plant. Inline and laboratory solutions for the measurement of sugar liquor after crushing, and evaporated sugar concentration

Inline spectrophotometers using diode array technology with a wide range of applications in the Agricultural, Food, Industrial and Chemical sectors. Pre calibrated and designed to measure multiple parameters simultaneously at high speed in real time online.

Portable and online spectrophotometers using diode array technology with a wide range of applications in the Agricultural, Food, Industrial and Chemical sectors. Pre calibrated and designed to measure multiple parameters simultaneously at high speed.

MoistTech – Helping to increase efficiency and reduce human error using Online moisture measurement systems.

Compact and highly accurate temperature loggers to monitor your pasteurisation cycle

Inline liquid analysis of Brix, Refractiive Index and % concentration for process & quality control

Handheld digital refractometer for everyday use with reliable and repeatable results

Automatic fill level control and rejection for beer, beverage, wine, food and pharmaceutical applications

Automatic and semi automatic application and removal torque testers with high quality German design

Stable and reliable Brix Analysis for harsh environments in the sugar process

Wide selection of instruments from hand held to fully automated in-line process brix analysers

Moisttech – World Leader in Moisture Measurement and Control. JWII have over 40 years experience supplying moisture analysers to Industry