CO2 polishing filter
CO2 gas purity analysis for up to 56 gas impurities gives you and your customers peace of mind

CO2 Polishing Filters, Quality Incident protection systems
With over 100 years combined experience in gas filtration and gas polishing Sure purity are well known and respected in the beverage and beverage gases industry. High quality filtering products, CO2 polishing filters and housings made in the UK in a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility. Sure Purity has been established to provide a viable alternative source for Carbon Dioxide filtering.
Sure Purity provides an advanced range of multi barrier polishing filters. The technology used is designed in house using various custom-made media. The molecular absorption technologies that polish potential impurities from beverage grade Carbon Dioxide. The technology creates a bond between the filter media and the impurity using adhesion of atom, ions or molecules of gas to the media surface. This process cannot be reversed so the impurity is bonded to the filter media.
Sure purities Carboguard system is the diamond standard in beverage grade gas polishing and is used by the worlds leading brands. The filter technology used in the Carboguard can also be retrofitted in to beverage companies existing filter housings without the use of any special adapters or mountings, they simply a drop in replacement with improved technology.
The extruded aluminium housing of the Carboguard system is manufactured to be robust and is designed with ease of service in mind. Filter cartridge replacement is made easy with our service caps that are easily removed and replaced. The housing is rated and designed for indoor or outdoor installation. Mounted on a base plate the filter skid is simple to instal and the gas plumbing simple with 1 inlet and 1 outlet.
The filter housing has 5 stages of filtration beginning with stage 1 removal of Non Volatile Residue and organic residue NVR and NVOR, stage 2 removing water molecules, stage 3 removes volatile hydrocarbons, stage 4 removing volatile sulphur compounds, stage filtration of fine particle matter.
Carboguard systems are rated for a maximum working pressure of 24bar,g (350psi.g) and can be installed at any point in the CO2 vapour system.
- CO2 Polishing Filters
- Gas Filtration
- Gas polishing
- Carbon Dioxide filtering
- Carboguard
- CO2 Inline polishing filters
- Volatile filtering
- Sulphur filtering
- Hydrocarbon filtering