Wide and diverse range of liquid and solid sampling

Industrial grade automatic samplers for powder liquids and slurry applications
Sentry Equipment Point Samplers – Industrial grade automatic samplers for powder liquids and slurry applications
Sentry Equipment provides a wide and diverse range of liquid sampling systems including our famous Isolok sampler range of fixed volume liquid samplers. We provide samplers for many diverse applications including sanitary dairy sampling solutions through to food grade liquids, chemical and mining samplers. These can be used for viscous and non viscous liquids including slurry sampling. Our Sampling Equipment is all custom designed and built to the specific application requirements.
We also offer a wide range of Powder Sampling equipment and our range of automatic samplers for powders and granules covers a wide variety of applications, we can provide fixed point samplers, strip samplers as well as full cross cut sampling equipment.
You can always rely on a sentry sampler and JWII with our wide range of automatic sampling solutions, contact one of our experts today and we can help engineer a solution to your sampling requirements.
Sentry custom made automatic samplers
The Isolok design allows the sample to be captured and sampled without compromise. Delivering a true representation of the process make up. Sentry samplers can be used not only for liquids but also slurry sampling, powder sampling and bulk sampling.
Samplers are custom designed for your application and we have an in house design team common applications would be for powder sampling and cement sampling is a good example of our flexibility on where we can sample. Typically in a cement plant we would be sampling from many locations including an air slide sampler, pneumatic conveyor sampler, discharge hopper sampler and also full cross cut sampling of the material.
Bulk Solids sampling is our speciality
Bulk solid sampling is another area of expertise where we have designed samplers to fit into the head chutes of conveyors, capture samples from falling streams of material either vertically or at an angle. Bulk solids samples can be taken as spot samples or composite samples over a predetermined period of time using a sample carousel with a quantity of containers that will index so separate samples can be taken during a 24 hour period without operator intervention.
Pellet sampling is another area where the diverse range of equipment from Sentry sampling can be custom made to fit the clients process. Dependent upon the client’s needs our range of spot samplers can take a sample from an enclosed pipe, chute or hopper. Our samplers can also take a representative strip sample of the same process giving the laboratory personnel a more representative sample and idea of the product make up over the entire width of the pipe. We also have full cross cut samplers that will provide a cross sectional sample of the entire material.
Granular material needs to be sampled with great care. Our range of granular samplers are designed to retrieve the sample from the line while keeping the partial size integrity for the customer. Laboratory analysis for particle size variation is very important for granular material and it is extremely important the sampling device does not crush the material as the sample is taken. With the sentry range we have several unique design features to make sure the sample is kept intact.
Mining and Mineral Sampling
In mining and mineral slurry sampling applications special wetted materials may be needed to make sure the sampler is corrosion resistant. Our engineering team is very experienced in mining slurry sampling and we have already produced samplers with wetted parts in many exotic materials to meet our clients needs. We can also apply coatings to the wetted parts to prevent corrosion from harsh chemicals or abrasion that may take place in these applications.
If you have sampling needs for your process, talk to the experts at JWII & Sentry sampling where we can provide help and guidance on the best sampling solutions for your application.
- Slurry Sampling
- Dairy Sampling Solutions
- Sentry Equipment Sampling Equipment
- Slurry Sampler
- Liquid Sampler
- Powder Sampling Equipment
- Powder Sampler
- Automatic Sampler
- Automatic Sampling Solutions
- Mining Sampler
- Liquid sampling systems
- Sentry sampler
- Sentry Equipment
- Sampling device for powders
- Isolok sampler
- Automatic Sampling
- Liquid Sampling